Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who leaked the internal SOPA memo (Stop Online Piracy Act)

We were recently quoted in a memo as saying: “This is what is wrong with Washington,” the memo says. “Legislation just to regulate and not allowing the private sector to solve the problem."

I'm sure the public realizes that its really always about self-interest on everyone's part (us, the MPAA). If this goes through, we could lose a few percent (3% - 5% sound right?) or more on Adwords/Adsense people. Shut SOPA down!

I guess this means our push for the FTC to require disclosure in sponsored reviews was a bad thing after all. It's something we should have just fixed ourselves, but found it easier to push the govt. to do it for us.

So some of you here are asking, whats the difference between the worlds largest search engine Baidu and us? Simple: we sell are grey goods out of the back of the store instead of the front counter.

For those that dont know the only reason Baidu (China's search engine) is so popular is because to promotes illegal downloads of everything sacred (movies, music, etc) right on its homepage. We are so much better because we dont put these search results as high up, unless of course the user types in something pretty specific that matches what is found on torrent sites like ThePirateBay.org


ThePayPerClickBlogger said...

First thing is you need somebody to check your post for grammatical errors before posting. Sorry but it hurt my brain to read some of what you said, but I understood where you were going with what you said.

Second, we need laws to govern over copyright protection and not simply allow corporations to come up with policies that they can simply change at will as it suits them. Not to mention that many corporations might think, well you know, I don't like their policies, so since it's not law, I don't have to follow them. Right? So if Google wants to be a part of the law writing process perhaps Google needs to come up with a proposal for how the law should be written instead of insisting that corporations should govern themselves in the regard of copyrights and that we don't need real laws to do so.

So I think in this regard if Google wants to be a part of the law writing process, it should involve itself in it. Isn't Google already doing that?

Eric Schmidt said...
